5 Emotional Benefits of Companion Care at Home
Companion Care at Home in Henderson NV: Companion care at home offers your senior the emotional support that she might not realize she needs.
Employee of the Month – September 2022
Please join us in welcoming Kayla A. as Golden Heart’s September 2022 Employee of the Month.
Five Ways to Help a Highly Independent Senior Thrive with Arthritis
Senior Home Care in Henderson NV: No matter how independent your senior is, a little bit of help doesn’t take away from that.
Do You Know What to Do if Your Senior Falls?
24-Hour Home Care in Henderson NV: Ideally, your senior is able to avoid falling. But what happens if she does fall?
6 Tips for Caring for Your Senior in Extreme Heat
Home Care in Las Vegas NV: Even if it seems as if the hottest parts of the summer are over, there is still heat to face.
Employee of the Month – Anita B.
Please join us in congratulating Anita B. as Golden Heart’s Employee of the Month for August 2022.
6 Tips That Make It Easier to Transition to Home Care
Home Care in Summerlin NV: Your dad needs home care services, but he’s nervous about having a caregiver around to help him all day.
Seniors and Knee Pain
Senior Home Care in Las Vegas NV: If knee pain is sidelining your senior, there might be some ways for her to recover.
What You and Your Senior Need to Know about Pneumonia
In-Home Care in Henderson NV: Pneumonia is something your senior can contract any time of year.
Food to Avoid When Your Senior Has Arthritis
Arthritis symptoms may be improved by adopting dietary modifications. Inflammatory meals like saturated fat and sugar should be avoided. Purine-rich foods may also have to be avoided. However, your seniors may not be as focused as they should on their diet because it may hurt to move around and cook. This leads them to go […]