Understanding How Concierge Care Can Enhance Seniors’ Lives
As the loved ones of aging family members, it’s critical to ensure that seniors have the care they need to enhance their older years. However, finding the right care isn’t always easy, and there are typically new types of care on the horizon to consider. One such type of care that should be in the […]
How to Know if Memory Care is the Best Next Step
When your loved one was first diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, most likely at that time the symptoms were more of a nuisance than a danger. Early stages of dementia can include struggling to remember words, forgetting where items are, and needing assistance in some daily tasks like preparing a meal or taking care […]
It’s Okay to Not Do It All
Your loved one raised you as a child, got through those turbulent teen years with you, and then helped you start up your life successfully as a young adult. They’ve always been there for you and now that your loved one has reached her golden years, you are more than happy to help her live […]
4 Signs Assisted Living Could Be the Solution You Need During the Holidays
As the holidays come closer, you may be feeling overwhelmed as a family caregiver. You need some relief. But where do you turn? If you haven’t considered assisted living, it might very well be the perfect solution. Why would this be the optimal alternative? In all honesty, it has to do with respite care services. […]
You Don’t Have to Do It All Yourself
We know that caring for your aging loved one is a large responsibility – one that brings you joy and fulfillment but may also bring you stress. Many caregivers are afraid to admit they need help, thinking they should be able to do it all on their own since their parents or aging loved ones […]
What Happens at an Assisted Living Community in the Event of an Emergency?
Most of us don’t really want to think about emergency situations arising or what we made do when it happens. We like comfort. We like things to be safe. We prefer things to remain the same. However, emergencies happen all the time. Even if we, personally, have not been touched by a true emergency in […]
Helping Your Loved One Stay Active
We’ve all watched someone age and spend their final years glued in front of the television or computer screen, watching movies, the news, and maybe playing games. Staying active in the golden years can be more challenging and will often require a new mindset about what to do when to do it, and how often […]
Six Signs Your Loved One Might Need Memory Care
If your loved one has dementia, you understand that the disease will continue to progress as they age. What might have been a fairly simple care routine of assisting them with daily tasks can become an overwhelming job for a family caregiver to provide. As someone’s dementia progresses, it can become dangerous for both them […]
Building a New Life at Assisted Living May Take Time
Starting a new life, especially at assisted living, will probably take time. Even if an elderly person was enthusiastic about the move and recognized the value it can bring to their life, settling in and getting comfortable with their new surroundings would likely take some time. If you want to help yourself or someone you […]
A Helping Hand Can Go a Long Way
Having an elderly loved one who doesn’t live near you can be tough. If you’re within driving distance, you may find yourself putting on tons of miles to drive to and from their home several times a week to help with daily living. You might feel like you spend more time behind the wheel than […]