Senior Care News

4 Ways To Cheer Seniors Up This Holiday Season

Elder Care in Las Vegas NV: During the holidays, seniors may feel sadder than usual, especially when their family members live far away.
Elder Care in Las Vegas NV

During the holidays, seniors may feel sadder than usual, especially when their family members live far away. If your senior is going to be alone this holiday season, consider these ideas to help boost their mood and holiday spirit.

Video Chat

Video chats may not be quite the same as a visit but they are a lovely way to spend time with a senior loved one. Your senior parent will really enjoy getting to see you and your family for the holidays even if it’s through a screen. You will be able to see how your senior parent is doing and make sure that they look healthy. You should be able to video chat with your senor parent on any smart phone so as long as they have a smart phone or a tablet video chat are possible. You can also video chat through services like Facebook.

Send Treats

Another way to cheer up a senior parent during the holidays is to send treats. Many seniors won’t treat themselves to things like fresh fruit, decadent chocolates, or delicious sausages, crackers, and breads. But you can send gift baskets full of fabulously extravagant treats that your senior loved one can enjoy. There are even options to send delicious foods that meet dietary restrictions if your senior loved one has a special dietary need like they don’t eat sugar because they have diabetes. Fresh fruit is always a popular gift for seniors because it’s healthy and delicious.

Give The Gift Of Elder Care

Elder care is another way that you can surprise your senior loved one this holiday season. Elder care is the gift that keeps on giving throughout the year. When seniors have elder care they have a companion that visits regularly as well as someone to help with things like cleaning, laundry, and cooking meals. When seniors have elder care they are getting the help they need to thrive at home where they can live happily in the home they love. What better gift is there than that?

Make A Surprise Visit

Of course, what your senior parent really wants is to see you. But that’s not always possible during the holidays. Weather, other obligations, and responsibilities like work can make it impossible to travel during the holidays. But you can surprise your loved one with a visit at another time. You don’t have to only visit during the holidays. Start planning a surprise trip to your senior parent’s home now so that you can get the best deals on travel. And then just show up for a birthday, a special day, or for no reason at all. Your senior parent will be overjoyed to see you and get to spend some quality time with you.

If you are considering elder care in Las Vegas, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

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