Senior Care News

Home Care Helps Seniors Remain Safe and Healthy at Home

Home Care in Henderson NV

An AARP survey of people 50 or older found that 77% want to age in their current home. Your dad is one of them. He made it clear that he doesn’t want to move.

How do you balance his wishes with your peace of mind? You want him to be safe and healthy as he ages, but he’s not very good at remembering to take his medications, eat a balanced diet, or go for daily walks. Have you considered the value of home care?

His Home Is Clean and Organized

With a caregiver helping out, your dad’s home is cleaned each week. His caregiver can vacuum his carpets, dust, take out the trash, and do the laundry. Once a week, his caregiver can change his sheets and towels and make the bed with clean sheets. New towels are hung for him.

As his caregiver is cleaning his home, surfaces like counters and sinks are cleaned and sanitized. That lowers the risk of foodborne illnesses and the spread of viruses that could make your dad sick.

He’ll Never Forget a Dose of Medication

As your dad’s health changes, it’s normal for him to start needing to take medications. If his doctor determines he needs medication for high blood pressure, he can’t forget to take his pills each day. What if he does?

With a home care aide, your dad has someone to remind him when to take his pills. He also has someone to offer the guidance he needs on how to take them. He might have medications he has to take with milk, water, or a meal. His caregiver can also help him recognize the best time to order refills.

He Has Home-Cooked Meals

With your dad’s caregiver around each week, he’ll have at least one home-cooked meal, but you could make the arrangements to have someone cook meals for him every day. He’ll talk to his caregiver about the things he wants to eat, and they can shop for missing ingredients together.

He Gains a Companion

With home care services, your dad has a caregiver joining him each week. He won’t be as lonely or feel isolated when someone stops by as scheduled. It gives him something to look forward to.

When his caregiver is there, he has company for his daily walks. Your dad’s caregiver can accompany him to stores and when running errands. He won’t have to drive, which is often one of the things older adults hate giving up as they worry about becoming isolated.

Don’t let your dad struggle to complete his daily tasks. With home care aides there to remind him, cook his meals, and clean his home, he is safe and healthy. Call a home care agency to learn more about the prices and services in his area.


If you are considering home care in Henderson NV for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

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