Senior Care News

Does In-Home Care Really Boost Your Mom’s Independence?

In-Home Care in Las Vegas NV: Have you considered how in-home care can boost your mom's independence? Here are some of the many benefits.
In-Home Care in Las Vegas NV

Independence is critical to older adults. They do not want to feel like they’re a burden on their families, and moving into a retirement community isn’t always a desirable option. Have you considered how in-home care can boost your mom’s independence?

She’s Able to Shower and Dress With Ease

Your mom may have a hard time showering and dressing, but her caregiver can help her. Her caregiver is there to help her choose an outfit that suits the weather forecast. Her caregiver helps her get dried off completely and can assist with moisturizer if needed.

Your mom has help buttoning her shirt and pants, zipping zippers, and tying shoes. She won’t have shoelaces to trip on or be partially dressed because her fingers can’t manipulate the small buttons and fasteners.

She No Longer Struggles

When your mom has in-home care aides helping out, she no longer has to struggle to complete her daily tasks. Her caregivers can clean her home, doing only the cleaning chores your mom cannot do on her own. They can cook meals, do the laundry, change the sheets, and sweep or vacuum floors.

Her caregivers are also able to accompany your mom on walks, get her mail, and help her organize the junk mail from the bills. If she needs help remembering to pay bills on time, deposit checks, or dispute a bill, her caregiver can help. Caregivers can also remind her when it’s time to take her prescription medications.

She Has Friends

How social is your mom? Some older adults are simply unlikely to socialize as friends have moved to other states seeking warmer weather. Your mom’s caregivers become family friends. She has people around to talk to each week. If she likes having company while she watches a movie, she has it. If she wants a caregiver to play cards with, that’s an option.

When your mom has caregivers stopping by each week or every day, her social circle grows. It helps her socialize more. As she socializes, she’ll gain confidence, which may make her more likely to explore options like volunteering and joining community groups.

Her Caregiver Does the Driving

Your mom isn’t supposed to drive anymore, but her caregiver can. This enables your mom to get out of the house as often as she needs. Her caregiver can bring her to her appointments and wait in the waiting room with her. Her caregiver can take her shopping and help her run errands. If your mom wants to go on a scenic drive, she just needs to ask.

Learn More About In-Home Care

It’s time to make the arrangements your mom needs to maintain her independence. Talk to an in-home care specialist about your mom’s home life, health issues, and care needs. You’ll get answers regarding prices and schedules.


If you are considering in-home care in Las Vegas, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

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