Senior Care News

What Is 24-hour Home Care?

24-Hour Home Care in Las Vegas NV: 24-hour home care supports a variety of needs your senior may have. Here are a few of the many benefits.
24-Hour Home Care in Las Vegas NV

There are a lot of different types of care available for aging adults and the right one for your senior depends a great deal on what exactly she needs. 24-hour home care is a particular type of care that ensures your senior always has a care provider there with her. This is an important type of care in all sorts of different situations. Here’s what you and your senior need to know.

Someone Is Always There with Her

With this type of care, home care providers are right there with your senior, all day and all night. There’s never a time that she’s left on her own, and that can be a vital part of her care. No matter what your senior needs help managing, there is someone right there who can give her that assistance.

They Get to Know Her Needs

Usually, multiple caregivers are rotating shifts to help your senior. That means that a few people get to know her needs really well, which is great news. They’re able to get to know your elderly family member’s preferences also, ensuring that she’s surrounded by caregivers who are there to ensure she’s safe and happy.

Caregivers Are Prepared for Nighttime Issues

Issues overnight are common for aging adults, especially if they have some specific health concerns, like dementia. Wandering, sundowning, and other overnight conditions are much easier to manage with 24-hour home care. There’s an alert caregiver right there with your senior to address any needs she might have in those dark hours at night. Your senior is both safe and comforted.

Around the Clock Care Promotes Aging in Place

Having 24-hour home care right there with your senior ensures that she doesn’t have to go anywhere. And if her biggest goal was to remain in her own home for as long as possible, she’s able to do exactly that with this level of assistance. For some seniors, moving from their home is a tragedy that can bring with it a host of emotional responses and grief that could be avoided simply by having some help staying in place.

You’ve Got Peace of Mind about Your Senior’s Care

It’s also essential that you feel safe and secure in the care that your senior is receiving. When you can’t be there with her, it’s a peaceful feeling to know that there is someone there with her. Your elderly family member has hands-on help and you’ve got access to someone who can tell you exactly how your elderly family member is doing. You can hear all about her routines and how well she’s able to maintain them. That can help you and her doctors to also keep track of what is working for her and what isn’t.

Having help both day and night ensures that your elderly family member’s needs are met and that she’s able to spend her time and energy doing the things that she wants to do. She’s also got companionship and friendly faces, which keeps her socializing as much as she wants.

If you are considering 24-hour home care in Las Vegas, NV, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Summerlin. 702-800-4616.

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